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Socket Programming Using Java

Submitted on: 4/28/2005 12:58:54 AM
By: Karthik Veeramani 
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 72 Users
Compatibility:Java (JDK 1.1), Java (JDK 1.2), Java (JDK 1.3), Java (JDK 1.4), Java (JDK 1.5)

Users have accessed this article  67648 times.
(About the author)
     This tutorial will make you understand what sockets are, and will help you to start coding simple networking applications using Java.

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So you want to start doing some network programming with Java... You've come to the right place. I'll introduce you to the interesting world of Java sockets. By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to understand what sockets are and how to build simple Java applications using sockets.

Whats a socket?

Don't tell me you've never chatted on those instant messengers like yahoo, msn and aol. But its OK if you never understood what goes on behind the scene; after all, thats what we are here for. Lets say you've installed one of those instant messengers on your computer. After you run it and enter your user name and password, the messenger tries to connect to its server (say, the yahoo server). What exactly does this 'connect' mean?

Every computer on a network has an IP address. This address is like your house address, something that identifies your computer uniquely, allowing others to communicate with your computer. I wont go much into IP addresses, but let me just tell you that an IP address looks something like this - - a set of numbers separated with dots. However, some computers with rich owners will also choose to have a domain name in addition to this sick looking number, so that people can easily identify them. A domain name looks far more sane - like There are some special computers on the Internet, whose sole purpose in life is to translate the domain name to IP address and vice versa.

Now, you know that many programs can run on the same computer, don't you? Lets say that, there are some 10 programs running on a certain computer. To add to the confusion, lets say all of them are waiting for other computers to contact them. Imagine it like this - 10 of you share a big office space and a single telephone - and all of you expect calls from your own clients. How will you handle this? Perhaps appoint one person who'll hand over the call to the right person. Possible, but an undeniable menace. This will mean, when one of you take the call, other clients will not be able to reach the rest of you. Besides, its a pain to have a person route the calls to the right people. You must have guessed what I'm heading at - if all those programs running on a single computer proudly ask their clients to contact them on a certain IP address, their clients are not going to be pleased. The idea is... having a separate IP address per program, right? WRONG. Thats out of question. Its like asking for a separate office for each of you. Wont separate phone numbers suffice? Yes. In networking parlance, we call these 'separate phone numbers' as ports. A port is just a simple number - each program running on the same computer can choose to have a unique port number to identify itself to the outside world. REMEMBER - these ports are not slots on your computer hardware - dont think you can find them if you try hard enough. They are just logical numbers. Now the point should be clear. We have an IP address that lets the other computers look for a certain computer on the network. And we have a port number that'll identify a certain program running on that computer. Understand that, two programs running on different computers CAN use the same port number. Two houses on different streets can have the same house number, can't they? So, finally, we are almost there - just to scare you a bit, lets derive a formula -

An IP address = uniquely identifies a computer on the network. A port number = uniquely identifies a program running on a computer.

Adding the above equations,

An IP address + A port number = _______

In other words, A _____ = uniquely identifies a program on the network

If you guessed it right, thanks, my effort didn't go waste. If you didn't, no problem, go back and read from the beginning, or google for a better tutorial. The ____ is... SOCKET!

To summarize, a socket is a combination of an IP address and a port. A socket address lets other computers on the network locate a certain program running on a certain computer. You may represent a socket address like, where is the IP address and 80 is the port number.

How to program

Enough of theory talk. Lets get into some action now. We are going to write some very simple Java code, that'll demonstrate the use of sockets. Here is what is going to happen -

1) One Java program will try to connect to another Java program (which is desperately waiting for someone to contact it). Lets call the first program as Client, and the second as Server.
2) Once connected, the client program is going to accept whatever you type, and send it dutifully to the server program.
3) The server is going to send back the same text to the client, just to show that it is least interested in doing such an uninteresting thing.
4) The client, after getting back the same text from the server, is going to throw it on your face, showing you what the server thinks about you.

Ready? Lets get started. Note that, I wont be teaching you Java programming from scratch, I'll explain only the socket-related portions of the code.

Create 2 fresh Java programs and call them and I'll paste the code below, but don't be scared, I'll explain.
public class Server {
public static void main(String[] ar) {
 int port = 6666; // just a random port. make sure you enter something between 1025 and 65535.
 try {
 ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(port); // create a server socket and bind it to the above port number.
 System.out.println("Waiting for a client...");
 Socket socket = ss.accept(); // make the server listen for a connection, and let you know when it gets one.
 System.out.println("Got a client :) ... Finally, someone saw me through all the cover!");
 // Get the input and output streams of the socket, so that you can receive and send data to the client.
 InputStream sin = socket.getInputStream();
 OutputStream sout = socket.getOutputStream();
 // Just converting them to different streams, so that string handling becomes easier.
 DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(sin);
 DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(sout);
 String line = null;
 while(true) {
 line = in.readUTF(); // wait for the client to send a line of text.
 System.out.println("The dumb client just sent me this line : " + line);
 System.out.println("I'm sending it back...");
 out.writeUTF(line); // send the same line back to the client.
 out.flush(); // flush the stream to ensure that the data reaches the other end.
 System.out.println("Waiting for the next line...");
 } catch(Exception x) {
public class Client {
public static void main(String[] ar) {
 int serverPort = 6666; // make sure you give the port number on which the server is listening.
 String address = ""; // this is the IP address of the server program's computer. // the address given here means "the same computer as the client".
 try {
 InetAddress ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName(address); // create an object that represents the above IP address.
 System.out.println("Any of you heard of a socket with IP address " + address + " and port " + serverPort + "?");
 Socket socket = new Socket(ipAddress, serverPort); // create a socket with the server's IP address and server's port.
 System.out.println("Yes! I just got hold of the program.");
 // Get the input and output streams of the socket, so that you can receive and send data to the client.
 InputStream sin = socket.getInputStream();
 OutputStream sout = socket.getOutputStream();
 // Just converting them to different streams, so that string handling becomes easier.
 DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(sin);
 DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(sout);
 // Create a stream to read from the keyboard.
 BufferedReader keyboard = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
 String line = null;
 System.out.println("Type in something and press enter. Will send it to the server and tell ya what it thinks.");
 while(true) {
 line = keyboard.readLine(); // wait for the user to type in something and press enter.
 System.out.println("Sending this line to the server...");
 out.writeUTF(line); // send the above line to the server.
 out.flush(); // flush the stream to ensure that the data reaches the other end.
 line = in.readUTF(); // wait for the server to send a line of text.
 System.out.println("The server was very polite. It sent me this : " + line);
 System.out.println("Looks like the server is pleased with us. Go ahead and enter more lines.");
 } catch(Exception x) {
Compile it with
Open two command windows (DOS prompts). In one of those, enter
 java Server
and in the other,
 java Client

(in that order!)

Type something on the client window and press enter. Observe both windows and see what happens. Finally, press ctrl-C to kill the programs.


Lets delve into the code now. You must have got some idea looking at the comments, still, lets try to analyze a few critical lines.

The server code has the lines

ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(port);
Socket socket = ss.accept();

A ServerSocket class is slightly different from the Socket class. The Socket class is exactly what you think.. well, it represents a socket. The ServerSocket class is mainly for allowing a program to listen for connections from clients. You create it by assigning it a port number on which it can work on. Once created, you need to call its accept() method. This method will make the program listen on the given port for connections. It hangs there until it gets a client. Once a client gets in touch, it creates a normal Socket object, and hands it over to you so that you can start doing all the socket operations you want. Note that, this Socket object returned by accept() method, represents the other end of the connection. After all, if you want to send some data to the client, you can't write it to your own socket!

Next is the Socket class. You create the Socket object by passing an IP address and a port number. Java gives you the InetAddress class to represent an IP address, so you better go their way and use it. To create an InetAddress object that represents an IP address, you can use this method -

InetAddress ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName(address);

Note that in our program, we have for the address. This address is a special address called loopback address. Don't panic, it is just an address that represents the local computer. If you intend to run the client and server on different machines, use the correct IP address of the server.

Once the InetAddress is created, we create the Socket, Socket socket = new Socket(ipAddress, serverPort);

Once you have the Socket object, you can get the input and output streams of the socket. The input stream will let you read from the socket and the output stream lets you write to the socket.

InputStream sin = socket.getInputStream(); OutputStream sout = socket.getOutputStream();

The below lines are just for converting the above to different types of streams. So that it becomes easy for us to deal with String objects. This has got nothing to do with networking.

DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(sin); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(sout);

The rest is easy. Because it just deals with the stream objects you created, and not with sockets. You can use your favorite stream, call your favorite methods, somehow ensure the data reaches the other end. Read up on streams if you are not comfortable.

I hope I enlightened you all by introducing the fabulous world of network programming. Feel free to shoot your questions, I'll answer them if I can. You can also give me your valuable feedback, suggestions, or the mistakes you found in this tutorial.

And yes, if you found this useful, go to that Your Vote! section below and vote for me!

Other 2 submission(s) by this author


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Other User Comments
5/3/2005 10:20:00 PM

can u give any example of any system,i means a client-server system that use socket programming use java.tq
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5/6/2005 1:05:11 AMKarthik Veeramani

Billions... The chat programs usually have a single server and multiple clients. You browsing the web with your web browser is a client-server model, where your browser is the client and the website you visit is the server.
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5/9/2005 4:26:48 AMShyam Prasad Murarka

Yes, thanks very much. This tutorial is even better than Sun's tutorial on Sockets. it completely removed my doubts on Sockets. If you could do the same work for other topics like Polymorphism (with lots of examples) it would be nice.
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5/9/2005 4:45:21 AMKarthik Veeramani

Thanks very much, I'll try my best to spend time on other topics. Perhaps you could let me know a few things that you find tricky, and I'll see if I know them well.

Also, you may want to check out my latest submission, a software that exports your gmail address book -

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5/12/2005 6:07:06 AM

A very nice tutorial, nice code and explained very well. Will definitely keep an eye for further tutorials from this guy.
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5/14/2005 2:47:54 AMKarthik Veeramani

Check out my latest tutorial on polymorphism -
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6/6/2005 3:26:27 AM

Great Tutorial...
easy to understand
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6/13/2005 9:50:44 AM

Hey, actually , i was not having any idea about sockets . After reading this tutorial, i have got a clear idea about what a socket is. This tutorial is really excellent, i have reported it to all my friends. I think the example given is the best of many more examples given in other sites and books. Excellent work by the author for beginners like me!!Go on!!
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6/29/2005 3:48:12 AM

a very tutorial for beginners like me well would like to have an idea about connection of a Java Client to a C++ client.
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6/29/2005 4:00:55 AMKarthik Veeramani

Im not sure what kindof connection u want, but u may want to look at JNI to call java code in c++ or vice versa.
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10/9/2005 7:52:12 AMAnkur

its very gud, bit still the later part of your explanation wasn't much clear, the part which explained the code.....
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10/9/2005 11:47:08 AMKarthik Veeramani

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, u'll find the code a lil difficult if u r not familiar with basic java. If u have any specific difficulties, u can email me. I'll be glad to help.
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1/13/2006 6:46:23 AMJoe

Nice article...cleared my doubts on Sockets
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1/18/2006 9:09:43 PMWhiteShadoW

I can say that this is the best tutorial I have yet read, I have been trying to find something that talks about socket in a simple manner, thanks to your article I was saved in the last minute and was able to do my assigned task.

I was wondering if you have any publications, I really would like to have the chance to read more of your works, thanks for such a fune peice of art.
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2/18/2006 12:19:46 AM

nice code

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2/27/2006 1:37:34 PMnagarajan.s

Nice code.but needed constant approach to complexity
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8/14/2006 6:44:14 AMdarren

i dare to say you had did a great job.Simple and clear example which lead me to understand about the Socket within 10mintues. Thanks and i really appreaciated it.
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8/29/2006 2:41:46 AMJaya Prakash K G

When compared with other sites It gives me very quick and clear understanding about the bascics of the socket programming. Thank you, very much.
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12/21/2006 5:01:22 AMJohn Bright. J


Well explained. I need a help such that, I need a Server that should wait for the clients to communicate. As a novice I need help.
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4/13/2007 4:09:01 AMVinutha

hello Sir... I have checked out the application(Server and Clien) u have explained but its not executing... its compiling but not rinning... C:\socketpgms>javac C:\socketpgms>java Client12 Any of you heard of a socket with IP address and port 6666? Software caused connection abort: connect at Method) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at<init>(Unknown Source) at<init>(Unknown Source) at Client12.main( C:\socketpgms> Can u suggest me wat the mistake i have done........
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4/13/2007 1:05:06 PMKarthik Veeramani

One possibility is that some other program, like Windows Firewall, or some anti virus you have installed is conflicting with this. Disable everything and try. Another possibility is, the port your are using could've been in use already (I think the error message is different for this situation, still it is worth checking). To check if another program is using your port, you can run "netstat -a" from dos prompt and see if your port is listed.
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4/19/2007 12:21:32 PMKris Davison

A great tutorial. I have quite a good knowledge of java but i was quite interested to know about sockets. This was a great help and had me up and running in about 10 mins.
I did find some things you may like to add:
1) The ip address you have put in the code needs to be changed to the ip address of the servers computer
--if you are using this on your computer this can be found by opening a cmd dos window and typing ipconfig.
2) when complieing and running the code in a dos window make sure u find the file you have saved the Client.Java and files using cd file-name
then use "javac" as it says in the tutorial.
Then when running it try this
"java -cp . Server" as this should allow the program to run more easily. I hope this might help some people out a bit.

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5/13/2007 12:53:21 PM

great job!!
thanks bro
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7/25/2007 2:29:58 AMyus

great explaination ! but can u give any idea to make a prog for cyber cafe monitoring sys ? ;p
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11/9/2007 12:02:04 AMLeventis

Hey, wow very good work ! I try do make GUI in Netbeans but I am an amateur and I have many problems. Can you Help me?

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11/11/2008 12:01:43 AMDedeepya

Its a great job...
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12/8/2008 2:22:16 AMrj

xcelent work! Could somebody please sugest the line of codes should be entered to close the socket.(Instead of asking to enter more lines)Thanks.
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12/29/2008 1:42:39 AMrevathi

hi,thanks for ur code...i want some more programs in networking in java...pls send it to mail id...

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4/1/2009 2:33:08 PMmac

A great explaination I ever found.......
I want 2 create a lan monitoring software in java . Please help me in accomplishing this task
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11/10/2009 3:03:24 AM

Hey thanks.. the article is excellent. I tried the code, works fine with 1 client... i wanted to have multiple clients. With this code, when 1 client connects the other clients are blocked.. can you please provide help on how to do that. Also can the server and client be implemented as HTTP server and client. I actually want to write a socket server program to accept HTTP data from clients. I dont know how to do that. Is there any particular HTTP data format to be used? Please help me... I am stuck on this issue... Ur help would be greatly appreciated.
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11/14/2009 6:36:17 AMShreehari

Thanx so much for the tut. wish u wer a prof. at my college. ^_^

Doubt : I tried connecting two clients at the same time using ur programs. second one doesnt connect. what should i change?
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11/14/2009 1:43:04 PMKarthik Veeramani

Thanks. This example won't work for multiple clients. But it is easy to find a sample by searching "java chat multiple clients" in
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2/18/2010 1:15:44 PMpratik

it's a nice article

can u please explain a simple code like this for multiple client

also if one client will want to communicate with the other how is it possible

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4/14/2010 2:59:21 PMMOHITH

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2/9/2011 11:58:54 AMtina

really nice work. really thanks
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